In the section entitled Moldenhauer No. (Moldenhauer numbers), the DaSCH Service Platform (DSP) provides a list of Webern’s complete works arranged according to their Moldenhauer numbers. Hans Moldenhauer made a chronological index of works and, with a few exceptions, attributed a number to each work known to him, regardless of whether it was part of a larger work or a piece in its own right. Despite harbouring occasional doubts as to its chronological accuracy, the AWG has adopted this system for its own identifying numbers while expanding or modifying it where necessary. Those works that Moldenhauer did not list are assigned a new number in the AWG (indicated by a preceding “M*”), regardless of chronology. In order to distinguish these clearly from the original 347 Moldenhauer numbers, these new numbers begin at 400

For each number there is an entry with brief information about the origins of the work and, where appropriate, its first performance and/or publication, as well as an outline of its various sources. References to a broader scheme within the context of the composer’s other works and the differing versions of a given work etc., are indicated via links (this area is still being developed and is regularly extended and supplemented).

Hans Moldenhauer and Fred Gaiser, Montblanc 1932 (Library of Congress, Washington DC).

Hans Moldenhauer
(1906–1987) published an extensive biography of Webern (Anton von Webern. A Chronicle of His Life and Work, New York: Knopf, 1979 / Anton von Webern. Chronik seines Lebens und Werkes, Zurich: Atlantis, 1980).